Posts: 20
Joined: 12/18/2007 Status: offline
Hi all, Here is a little summary of the latest added features on www.usa-pictures.com Site Wide Home Page: we added a table to display the last added pictures directly on the homepage. Registration is now live: you don’t anymore have to wait our clearance. Your registration is now live. You just have to confirm it by clicking the auto generated email. Remember that your inscription is still quick, easy and free. By doing so, you can post on the forums, have your own profile and upload as many pictures as you want. Feel free to contact us should you have any question. Translations: The web site is now mostly bilingual (French and English). Our Guest will browse the site in English by default. You can switch this setting by clicking the French flag on the homepage. Your session will be switched to French. There is two things you have to note. During your registration, there is a Site Wide parameter to select. This option will set the user interface language. You can change this setting from your user profile anytime. The second set the forum user interface language. You can alter this setting any time from your profile, at the bottom of the page. Please note that the translation will only alter this User Interface. A post in English will stay in English. Note that we still have some translations on the pipe. If there is some translation you want us to do in priority, drop us an email from the contact form. Photos legends: we now have a more relevant legend for the “mouse over” event on pictures. We will display the State, the City (if any) and/or the National Park. We will also append the Photographer’s comment field, for a more accurate legend. The server will serve this field according your language preference. We kindly ask our photographers to fill the “Photographer’s comments” with care in order to have relevant legend your picture. Picture index: We now have a per state pictures index. You could find the link on the lower left corner of the state page. By clicking this link, you will load a comprehensive index of pictures published so far in this state. A link is available to show the selected picture. Here is an example for California: http://www.usa-pictures.com/link-by-state.asp?State=CA Forum Two icons were added on the editor. We now have a US and French flag. We ask our members to use it to identify the topic language. New forum: we are still working on the forum layout. We will try to add more content here. Remember that forums are also an excellent way to be in touch with us quickly. Last but not least, remember that usa-pictures.com is your community. If there is a feature you want to be added, contact us. We are totally open to suggestions, comments and feedback. Don’t be shy: contact us if there is something we can do to improve your overall experience here. The USA-pictures.com Crew,